That’s it. I’m OUT OF THE FAN CLUB. I’m throwing away my David Archuleta CDs and ripping up my posters. Over the weekend, the American Idol season 7 FORMER fan favorite David Arhuleta sent out a series of Tweets saying, essentially, that marriage is between a man and a woman.
This isn’t really anything new. David has always been a problematic pop star. Cute as a button, dumb as a rock, and obviously stuck in the closet, he seemed under the somewhat sinister control of his father during his American Idol days, and by the Mormon church later on. He spent a year proselytizing in South America, and returned to relative obscurity in the past few years. This is the first we’ve heard from him in ages, and while it’s disappointing, it’s not exactly shocking.
After igniting a firestorm of angry tweets (well, half a dozen or so), David backtracked with an apology/non-apology:
I apologize if I have offended anyone with the quote I sent out Saturday. I guess I didn’t think about the line “expressed between a man and a woman in marriage” being stressed when the whole quote didn’t fit in just 1 tweet. I am sorry my intentions were misunderstood, as my main focus was that too often romance is looked at as the end-all when there is so much more. The bonds that can be there within a family and raising kids, as that is the most valuable thing I have: my family. I do hope however, that whoever may have been offended may know I respect everyone’s freedom to believe and live as they choose. I hope others can respect what I value most in my life as well. Again, I’m sorry and please forgive me if I offended you.
I’m not even sure what that gobbleddegook mean, but I know that “I’m sorry if you were offended” is passive/aggressive doublespeak for “I’m not sorry at all.” (via Instinct)
The post David Archuleta (Who?) Denounces Gay Marriage on Twitter appeared first on World of Wonder.